Get certified to be an Instructor, Coach & Guide in the Mountain Bike Industry! Elevate your game!
Training Instructors & Guides since 2006!
Endless Biking is an internationally recognized course provider for professional Instructor & Guide Certifications & Coaching Education since 2006. We’ve been training Instructors & Guides for 20 years!
Founders of the MBIT (Mountain Bike Instructor Training), Co-Founders of the PMBIA (Professional Mountain Bike Instructors Association) and Co-Founders of GSMBC (Global Syndicate of Mountain Bike Coaches), we’ve got some incredible experience and we’d love to help you get trained for work in the mountain bike industry. Become a better rider, a better coach, instructor and/or guide and become a better person, too! The things you will learn will be profound and help you in so many ways, regardless of your experience, age and riding ability!
Some of the best riders in the world have taken these courses and learned things they thought they learned sooner! A great way to learn to organize information, manage safety, communicate with groups vs individuals, diverse needs, backgrounds, learning styles and personalities! These courses are packed with value and some great days on a bike!
We offer these courses in North Vancouver & throughout BC, through the Global Syndicate of Mountain Bike Coaches (GSMBC), an organization with decades of experience training Instructors and Guides all over the world!
Contact us
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Live schedule online at:
Global Syndicate of Mountain Bike Coaches